Steel Corrosion & Rust Repair for High-rise Commercial Buildings New Zealand Wide.

Zenith Building Remediation Services are veterans of a number of high rise renovations and refurbishments, all with different aims and objectives, from emergency structural issues to complete exterior, interior and common areas renovation of high rise buildings. 

Specialising in Steel Corrosion & Rust Repair Including Structural Repair for High-rise Commercial Buildings Since 2002.

Zenith are a uniquely skilled company in that they not only are industrial abseilers and height technicians but also have and extreme amount of trade and specialist skills within their team.

Structural or secondary steel parts of a building are prone to corrosion; they could be balcony balustrades or the structure holding them up. Zenith has the capability to remove corrosion and to replace any portions of steel that have been corroded past being able to be saved.

Zenith preforms these tasks with the use of wet sand blasting (dustless) or mechanical abrasion and cutting. They have a one of a kind containment system that has been fully engineered and custom built for their use alone.   

Zenith can weld new steel in place to replace the old, corroded portions while on rope high above the city streets. They perform these tasks safely and competently.

Rusted roofing iron is a specialty of Zenith and they have a excellent system for treating surface rust and coating it so it will never show again.

  • Scaffold-less height access (industrial abseiling).
  • Removal of corrosion
  • Wet sandblasting of corrosion
  • Treatment of corrosion
  • Removal of rust (cutting out)
  • Replacement of steel (welding and fixing)
  • Epoxy coatings
  • Rusted reinforcing treatment and repair.
  • Concrete chloride testing.
  • Concrete PH testing.
  • Roofing & roof restoration.
  • Stormwater & gutter system management.
  • Earthquake strengthening (commercial & historical buildings).